all postcodes in CH49 / WIRRAL

find any address or company within the CH49 postcode district

Postcode Area

CH / Chester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
CH49 5LA 1 1 53.373936 -3.0892
CH49 5LB 16 0 53.370118 -3.075124
CH49 5LD 12 0 53.371892 -3.077724
CH49 5LE 18 5 53.371584 -3.07483
CH49 5LF 22 0 53.372419 -3.076084
CH49 5LG 28 0 53.370795 -3.07672
CH49 5LH 36 0 53.369899 -3.073406
CH49 5LJ 8 0 53.363208 -3.077791
CH49 5LL 16 0 53.372553 -3.092967
CH49 5LN 3 1 53.36892 -3.089267
CH49 5LP 16 0 53.373487 -3.095111
CH49 5LQ 36 0 53.371493 -3.076121
CH49 5LR 11 0 53.373609 -3.093505
CH49 5LS 25 0 53.374308 -3.093719
CH49 5LT 23 0 53.373768 -3.094772
CH49 5LU 8 0 53.374856 -3.093823
CH49 5LW 8 6 53.36523 -3.088752
CH49 5LX 8 0 53.373831 -3.093812
CH49 5LY 17 0 53.372184 -3.093995
CH49 5LZ 35 2 53.370941 -3.090431